Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality App

Matthew Dalli

Matthew Dalli

Posted 7 years ago.

Hi there,

I require a developer to create an app or come up with a solution where Augmented Reality is required. There are a few sites which will have a few buildings and roads changed as per 3D models which I would provide. I would like for users to use their own devices, place the device accordingly where the changes are going to be held and a 3D model of the proposed changes to be shown on the device. 

Currently, there are 7 places/roads which are going to be implemented and this might be increased to 15-20. 

If you require further information - please do not hesitate to call on +356 99241455.


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  • Technology Required: Other Languages
  • Required Within: 4th March 2018
  • Budget: Not Defined - currently looking for quotes
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